[The original incoming and
out going naval signal order to sink the German pocket battleship
Bismarck during the Battle of the Atlantic.]
The incoming signal: "Most Immediate to HMS.
Dorsetshire from SO 1st. C. S."
reads: "Torpedo Bismarck close range. -1022B. received
at: 1042
on 27 /5/41"
This is the original incoming copy
as taken down by the wireless telegrapher W/T Paul Johnson on board HMS.
- at 1042 the morning of 27 May 1941 from Rear Admiral
Wake Walker, Senior Officer 1st. Cruiser Squadron on board the
Battlecruiser HMS. Norfolk and
received on the Dorsetshire.
The original reply being the graphite outgoing signal: BN874
- X329 - Most Immediate
to C & C HF from HMS.Dorsetshire
reads: I
Torpedoed Bismarck both sides before she sank . She had ceased
fire but her colours were still flying. -1107
reader in this case was Bloxon and the time of receipt 1214.
(Ref. MK1a&b/LLN/l.ng > DLNN)